Identification of filamentary structures in the environment of superclusters of galaxies in the Local Universe [GA]

The characterization of the internal structure of the superclusters of galaxies (walls, filaments and knots where the clusters are located) is paramount for understanding the formation of the Large Scale Structure and for outlining the environment where galaxies evolved in the last Gyr. (i) To detect the compact regions of high relative density (clusters and rich groups of galaxies); (ii) to map the elongated structures of low relative density (filaments, bridges and tendrils of galaxies); (iii) to characterize the galaxy populations on filaments and study the environmental effects they are subject to. We employed optical galaxies with spectroscopic redshifts from the SDSS-DR13 inside rectangular boxes encompassing the volumes of a sample of 46 superclusters of galaxies, up to z=0.15. Our methodology implements different classical pattern recognition and machine learning techniques pipelined in the Galaxy Systems-Finding algorithm and the Galaxy Filaments-Finding algorithm. We detected in total 2,705 galaxy systems (clusters and groups, of which 159 are new) and 144 galaxy filaments in the 46 superclusters of galaxies. The filaments we detected have a density contrast above 3, with a mean value around 10, a radius of about 2.5 Mpc and lengths between 9 and 130 Mpc. Correlations between the galaxy properties (mass, morphology and activity) and the environment in which they reside (systems, filaments and the dispersed component) suggest that galaxies closer to the skeleton of the filaments are more massive by up to 25% compared to those in the dispersed component; 70 % of the galaxies in the filament region present early type morphologies and the fractions of active galaxies (both AGN and SF) seem to decrease as galaxies approach the filament. These results suggest that preprocessing in large scale filaments could have significant effects on galaxy evolution.

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I. Santiago-Bautista, C. Caretta, H. Bravo-Alfaro, et. al.
Tue, 11 Feb 20

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