A Multi-wavelength View of OJ 287 Activity in 2015-2017: Implications of Spectral Changes on Central-engine Models and MeV-GeV Emission Mechanism [HEAP]


A diverse range of peculiar properties across the domains of observation have made OJ 287 one of the best-explored BL Lac objects on the issues of relativistic jets and accretion physics as well as the strong theory of gravity. We here present a brief compilation of observational results from the literature and inferences/insights from the extensive studies but focus on the interpretation of its $\sim$ 12-yr QPOOs and high energy emission mechanisms. The QPOOs in one model are attributed to the disk-impact related to dynamics of the binary SMBHs while alternative models attribute it to the geometrical effect related to the precession of a single jet or double jets. We discuss implications of the new spectral features reported during the 2015–2017 multi-wavelength high activity of the source — a break in the NIR-optical spectrum and hardening of the MeV-GeV emission accompanied by a shift in the location of its peak, in the context of the two. The reported NIR-optical break nicely fits the description of a standard accretion disk emission from an SMBH of mass $\sim~10^{10}~M_\odot$ while the time of its first appearance in end-May 2013 (MJD 56439) is in close coincidence with the time of impact predicted by the disk-impact binary SMBH model. This spectral and temporal coincidence with the model parameters of the disk-impact binary SMBH model provides independent evidence in favor of the model over the geometrical models which argue a total central-engine mass in the range of $\rm 10^{7-9}~M_\odot$. On the other hand, the MeV-GeV spectral change is naturally reproduced by the inverse Compton scattering of photons from the broad-line region and is consistent with the detection of broad emission lines during the previous cycles of quasi-periodic outbursts. Combining this with previous SED studies suggests that in OJ 287, MeV-GeV emission results from external Comptonization.

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P. Kushwaha
Fri, 7 Feb 20

Comments: 12 pages, 1 figure (submitted to Galaxies)