Bridging between the integrated and resolved main sequence of star formation [GA]

The position of galaxies on the stellar mass, star formation rate plane with respect to the star-forming main sequence at each redshift is a convenient way to infer where the galaxy is in its evolution compared to the rest of the population. We use Hubble Space Telescope high resolution images in the GOODS-S field from the CANDELS survey and fit multi wavelength lights in resolution elements of galaxies with stellar population synthesis models. We then construct resolved kpc-scale stellar mass, star formation rate surface density curves for galaxies at z~1. Fitting these resolved main sequence curves with Schechter functions, we parameterize and explain the multi-wavelength structure of galaxies with three variables: phi*, alpha, and M*. For quenched galaxies below the main sequence, we find an average high mass slope (alpha) of the resolved main sequence curves to be ~ -0.4. The scatter of this slope is higher among the lower mass star forming galaxies and those above the main sequence compared to quenched galaxies, due to lack of an evolved bulge. Our findings agree well with an inside-out quenching of star-formation. We find that the knee of the Schechter fits (M*) for galaxies below the main sequence occurs at lower stellar mass surface densities compared to star forming galaxies, which hints at how far quenching has proceeded outwards.

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S. Hemmati, B. Mobasher, H. Nayyeri, et. al.
Wed, 5 Feb 20

Comments: 5 pages, 3 figures, Accepted for publication by ApJL