Measured Lightcurves and Rotational Periods of 3122 Florence, 3830 Trelleborg, and (131077) 2000 YH105 [EPA]

We determined the rotational periods of 3122 Florence, 3830 Trelleborg, and (131077) 2000 YH105 with the Harvard Clay Telescope and KeplerCam at the Fred L. Whipple Observatory. We found the rotational periods to be 2.3580 $\pm$ 0.0015 h, 17.059 $\pm$ 0.017 h, and 1.813 $\pm$ 0.00003 h, respectively. Our measurement of 3122 Florence’s period agrees with Warner (2016), who reported 2.3580 $\pm$ 0.0002 h.

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N. Abrams, A. Bieryla, S. Gomez, et. al.
Thu, 30 Jan 20

Comments: 2 pages, 4 figures