L-band Calibration of the Green Bank Telescope from 2016-2019 [IMA]


Since 2016, the HI-MaNGA survey has been obtaining neutral hydrogen (which emits a radio 21cm line) measurements for nearby galaxies which are part of a survey known as “MaNGA”. This has been done using observations at the Green Bank Radio Telescope (GBT). We use calibration data obtained routinely at the start of observing runs during this entire period, as well as an extra set of calibration data obtained in 2019 to check the standard GBT data reduction calibrations at L-band (1.4 GHz, or 20cm). We find an constant offset of 20% in the calibration relative to the standard values given in the GBT data reduction pipeline for data of this type. This correction will be used to improve measurements for HI-MaNGA.

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J. Goddy, K. Masters and D. Stark
Thu, 30 Jan 20

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