Universal Polarimetric Signatures of the Black Hole Photon Ring [CL]


Black hole images present an annular region of enhanced brightness. In the absence of propagation effects, this “photon ring” has universal features that are completely governed by general relativity and independent of the details of the emission. Here, we show that the polarimetric image of a black hole also displays universal properties. In particular, the photon ring exhibits a self-similar pattern of polarization that encodes the black hole spin. We explore the corresponding universal polarimetric signatures of the photon ring on long interferometric baselines, and propose a method for measuring the black hole spin using a sparse interferometric array. These signatures could enable spin measurements of the supermassive black hole in M87, as well as precision tests of general relativity in the strong field regime, via a future extension of the Event Horizon Telescope to space.

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E. Himwich, M. Johnson, A. Lupsasca, et. al.
Mon, 27 Jan 20

Comments: 13 pages, 4 figures