Ultra long lived quasinormal modes of neutron stars in $R^2$ gravity [CL]


The spectrum of frequencies and characteristic times that compose the ringdown phase of gravitational waves emitted by neutron stars carry information about the matter content (the equation of state) and the underlying theory of gravity. Typically, modified theories of gravity introduce additional degrees of freedom/fields, such as scalars, which result in new families of modes composing the ringdown spectrum. One simple but physically promising candidate is $R^2$ gravity, which effectively introduces an additional massive scalar field that couples non-minimally to gravity, resulting in scalarized neutron stars. Here we show that the ringdown spectrum of $R^2$ neutron stars is much richer and fundamentally different from the spectrum in GR, possessing for instance ultra long lived modes that can propagate away from the star in the form of scalar gravitational radiation.

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J. Blázquez-Salcedo, F. Khoo and J. Kunz
Mon, 27 Jan 20

Comments: 6 pages, 3 figures