Turbulence in a self-gravitating molecular cloud core [GA]


Externally driven interstellar turbulence plays an important role in shaping the density structure in molecular clouds. Here we study the dynamical role of internally driven turbulence in a self-gravitating molecular cloud core. Depending on the initial conditions and evolutionary stages, we find that a self-gravitating core in the presence of gravity-driven turbulence can undergo constant, decelerated, and accelerated infall, and thus has various radial velocity profiles. In the gravity-dominated central region, a higher level of turbulence results in a lower infall velocity, a higher density, and a lower mass accretion rate. As an important implication of this study, efficient reconnection diffusion of magnetic fields against the gravitational drag naturally occurs due to the gravity-driven turbulence, without invoking externally driven turbulence.

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S. Xu and A. Lazarian
Thu, 23 Jan 20

Comments: 8 pages, 5 figures, accepted for publication in ApJ