The viable f(G) gravity models via reconstruction from the observations [CEA]

We reconstruct the viable f(G) gravity models from the observations and provide the analytic solutions that well describe our numerical results. In order to avoid unphysical challenges that occur during the numerical reconstruction, we generalize f(G) models into f(GA), which is the simple extension of f(G) models with the introduction of a constant A parameter. We employ several observational data together with the stability condition, which reads d2f/dG2 > 0 and must be satisfied in the late-time evolution of the universe, to give proper initial conditions for solving the perturbation equation. As a result, we obtain the analytic functions that match the numerical solutions. Furthermore, it might be interesting if one can find the physical origin of those analytic solutions and its cosmological implications.

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S. Lee and G. Tumurtushaa
Wed, 22 Jan 20

Comments: 17 pages, 9 figures