Yang-Mills Classical and Quantum Mechanics and Maximally Chaotic Dynamical Systems [CL]


The maximally chaotic dynamical systems (DS) are the systems which have nonzero Kolmogorov entropy. The Anosov C-condition defines a reach class of hyperbolic dynamical systems that have exponential instability of the phase trajectories and positive Kolmogorov entropy and are therefore maximally chaotic. The interest in Anosov-Kolmogorov systems is associated with the attempts to understand the relaxation phenomena, the foundation of the statistical mechanics, the appearance of turbulence in fluid dynamics, the non-linear dynamics of the Yang-Mills field, the N-body system in Newtonian gravity and the relaxation phenomena in stellar systems and the Black hole thermodynamics. The classical- and quantum-mechanical properties of maximally chaotic dynamical systems, the application of the C-K theory to the investigation of the Yang-Mills dynamics and gravitational systems as well as their application in the Monte Carlo method will be presented.

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G. Savvidy
Wed, 15 Jan 20

Comments: 13 pages, 2 figures. arXiv admin note: substantial text overlap with arXiv:2001.01785