Confronting dark matter co-annihilation of Inert two Higgs Doublet Model with a compressed mass spectrum [CL]

We perform a comprehensive analysis for the light scalar dark matter (DM) in the Inert two Higgs doublet model (i2HDM) with compressed mass spectra, small mass splittings among three $\mathbb{Z}_2$ odd particles—scalar $S$, pseudo-scalar $A$, and charged Higgs $H^\pm$. In such a case, the co-annihilation processes play a significant role to reduce the DM relic density. On the other hand, a co-annihilation rate dominated in the early universe implies that a small annihilation rate is needed to reach a correct DM relic density. This results a tiny coupling $\lambda_S$ between DM and standard model Higgs boson and a negligible DM-nucleon elastic scattering cross section at the tree-level. In this work, we include the one-loop quantum corrections of the DM-nucleon elastic scattering cross section. We found that the DM self-coupling $\lambda_2$ indeed contributes a sizeable one-loop quantum correction and behaves non-trivially for the co-annihilation scenario. Interestingly, the parameter space, which are allowed by the current constraints considered in this study, can predict the DM mass and annihilation cross section at the present compatible with the AMS-02 anti-proton excess. The parameter space can be further probed at the future high luminosity LHC.

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C. Lu, V. Tran and Y. Tsai
Fri, 20 Dec 19

Comments: 38 pages, 19 figures