The inflation within the MSSM is proposed, where the inflaton field is a combination of the Higgs, squark and slepton states. While the inflationary phase is fully governed by the electron Yukawa superpotential coupling, the fields’ condensates float along the flat $D$-term trajectory. This predicts the MSSM parameter $\tan \beta \simeq 13.1$ determined via the value of the curvature perturbation amplitude. The values of the scalar spectral index and the tensor-to-scalar ratio are predicted to be $n_s\simeq 0.966$ and $r=0.00118$. The postinflation reheating of the Universe proceeds by the radiative decay of the inflaton to the two gluons ($\phi \to gg$) with the reheating temperature $T_r\simeq 1.4\cdot 10^7$ GeV.
Z. Tavartkiladze
Wed, 18 Dec 19
Comments: LaTex, 1 figure
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