Automated SpectroPhotometric Image REDuction (ASPIRED) [IMA]

We aim to provide a suite of publicly available spectral data reduction software to facilitate rapid scientific outcomes from time-domain observations. For time resolved observations, an automated pipeline frees astronomers from performance of the routine data analysis tasks to concentrate on interpretation, planning future observations and communication with international collaborators. The project consists of two parts: data processing (ASPIRED) and a graphical user interface (gASPIRED).ASPIREDis written in python 3, and was intentionally developed as a self-consistent reduction pipeline with its own diagnostics and error handling. The pipeline can reduce2D spectral data from raw image to wavelength and flux calibrated 1D spectrum automatically without any user input.gASPIREDis a cross-platform software developedwithElectronon a single code base. It brings interactivity to the software with a well-maintained and user-friendly environment.

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M. Lam, R. Smith and I. Steele
Fri, 13 Dec 19

Comments: 4 pages, 1 figure, 29th Astronomical Data Analysis Software & Systems (ADASS) conference