Viscous Evolution of Magnetized Clumps: a Source for X-ray Flares in Gamma-ray Bursts [HEAP]

X-ray flares can be accounted for a hint to the late time activity of Gamma-ray bursts (GRBs) central engines. Such a long term activity has been described through some models, one of which is the viscous evolution of the outer disc fragments that proposed by Perna et al. (2006), and developed quantitatively by Dall Osso et al. (2017). Here, we reconstruct Dall Osso et al. (2017) framework through taking both small and large scale effects of magnetic field into account. To consider the magnetic barrier as a possible mechanism that might govern the accretion process of each magnetized clump, we make a simple pattern in boundary condition through which this mechanism might happen. Regarding various model parameters, we probe for their influence and proceed some key analogies between our model predictions and previous phenomenological estimates, for two different choices of boundary conditions (with and without a magnetic barrier). Our model is remarkably capable of matching flare bolometric and X-ray light-curves, as well as reproducing their statistical properties, such as the ratios between rise and decay time, width parameter and peak time, and the power-law correlation between peak luminosity and peak time. Combining our results with the conclusions of previous studies, we are led to interpret magnetic barrier as a less probable mechanism that might control the evolution of these clumps, especially the later created (or viscously evolved) ones.

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N. Shahamat and S. Abbassi
Thu, 28 Nov 19

Comments: Accepted for publication in ApJ