BiHalofit: A new fitting formula of non-linear matter bispectrum [CEA]

We provide an accurate fitting formula of the matter bispectrum in the non-linear regime calibrated by high-resolution cosmological $N$-body simulations for $41$ $w$CDM models around the Planck 2015 best-fit parameters. Our fitting function assumes a similar parameterization as in Halofit for the non-linear matter power spectrum and so is named BiHalofit. The simulation volume is large enough ($> 10 \, {\rm Gpc}^3$) to cover almost all measurable triangle configurations of bispectrum in the universe. Our formula can reproduce the matter bispectrum within $10 \, (15) \, \%$ accuracy for wavenumber $k< 3 \, (10) \, h \, {\rm Mpc}^{-1}$ at redshifts $z=0-3$ for the Planck 2015 model. We also provide a fitting formula to correct baryonic effects such as radiative cooling and active galactic nuclei feedback based on the latest hydrodynamical simulation, IllustrisTNG. Further, we show that our new formula provides more accurate predictions for the weak lensing bispectrum than the existing fitting formulas. The formula would be quite useful for current and future weak lensing surveys and cosmic microwave background lensing experiments.

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R. Takahashi, T. Nishimichi, T. Namikawa, et. al.
Wed, 20 Nov 19

Comments: 20 pages, 14 figures, submitted to ApJ