Deep Learning in Wide-field Surveys: Fast Analysis of Strong Lenses in Ground-based Cosmic Experiments [GA]

Searches and analyses of strong gravitational lenses are challenging due to the rarity and image complexity of these astronomical objects. Next-generation surveys (both ground- and space-based) will provide more opportunities to derive science from these objects, but only if they can be analyzed on realistic time-scales. Currently, these analyses are expensive. In this work, we present a regression analysis with uncertainty estimates using deep learning models to measure four parameters of strong gravitational lenses in simulated Dark Energy Survey data. Using only $gri$-band images, we predict Einstein Radius, lens velocity dispersion, lens redshift to within $10-15\%$ of truth values and source redshift to $30\%$ of truth values, along with predictive uncertainties. This work helps to take a step along the path of faster analyses of strong lenses with deep learning frameworks.

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C. Bom, J. Poh, B. Nord, et. al.
Mon, 18 Nov 19

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