A science gateway for Exploring the X-ray Transient and variable sky using EGI Federated Cloud [IMA]


Modern soft X-ray observatories can yield unique insights into time domain astrophysics, and a huge amount of information is stored – and largely unexploited – in data archives. Like a treasure-hunt, the EXTraS project harvested the hitherto unexplored temporal domain information buried in the serendipitous data collected by the European Photon Imaging Camera instrument onboard the ESA XMM-Newton, in 16 years of observations. All results have been released to the scientific community, together with new software analysis tools. This paper presents the architecture of the EXTraS science gateway, that has the goal to provide the software to the scientific community through a Web based portal using the EGI Federated Cloud infrastructure. The main focus is on the light software architecture of the portal and on the technological insights for an effective use of the EGI ecosystem.

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D. D’Agostino, L. Roverelli, G. Zereik, et. al.
Mon, 18 Nov 19

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