Spectroscopic QUasar Extractor and redshift (z) EstimatorSQUEzE II: Universality of the results [GA]


In this paper we study the universality of the results of SQUEzE, a software package to classify quasar spectra and estimate their redshifts. The code is presented in \cite{Perez-Rafols+2019}. We test the results against changes on signal-to-noise, spectral resolution, wavelength coverage, and quasar brightness. We find that SQUEzE levels of performance are stable to spectra that are 4 times noisier than our standard test sample, BOSS. We also find that the performance remains unchanged if pixels of width 25\AA are considered, and decreases by $\sim2\%$ for pixels of width 100\AA. We see no effect when changing the quasar brightness, and we establish that the blue part (up to 7000\AA) of the spectra is sufficient for the classification. Finally, we study the cases of WEAVE-QSO and DESI spectra, and J-PAS pseudo-spectra, and conclude that SQUEzE will perform similarly on them as it did on BOSS.
{\it Keywords: cosmology: observations – quasar: emission lines – quasar: absorption lines}

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I. Pérez-Ràfols and M. Pieri
Wed, 13 Nov 19

Comments: 9 pages, 11 figures, 3 tables; submitted to MNRAS