Modular Deep Learning Analysis of Galaxy-Scale Strong Lensing Images [IMA]

Strong gravitational lensing of astrophysical sources by foreground galaxies is a powerful cosmological tool. While such lens systems are relatively rare in the Universe, the number of detectable galaxy-scale strong lenses is expected to grow dramatically with next-generation optical surveys, numbering in the hundreds of thousands, out of tens of billions of candidate images. Automated and efficient approaches will be necessary in order to find and analyze these strong lens systems. To this end, we implement a novel, modular, end-to-end deep learning pipeline for denoising, deblending, searching, and modeling galaxy-galaxy strong lenses (GGSLs). To train and quantify the performance of our pipeline, we create a dataset of 1 million synthetic strong lensing images using state-of-the-art simulations for next-generation sky surveys. When these pretrained modules were used as a pipeline for inference, we found that the classification (searching GGSL) accuracy improved significantly—from 82% with the baseline to 90%, while the regression (modeling GGSL) accuracy improved by 25% over the baseline.

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S. Madireddy, N. Li, N. Ramachandra, et. al.
Tue, 12 Nov 19

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