On the metric bundles of axially symmetric spacetimes [CL]


We present the definition of metric bundles in axially symmetric geometries and give explicit examples for solutions of Einstein equations. These structures have been introduced in Pugliese and Quevedo (2019) to explain some properties of black holes (BHs) and naked singularities (NSs), investigated through the analysis of the limiting frequencies of stationary observers, which are at the base of a Killing horizon definition for these black hole spacetimes. In Pugliese and Quevedo (2019), we introduced the concept of NS Killing throats and bottlenecks associated to, and explained by, the metric bundles. In particular, we proved that the horizon frequency can point out a connection between BHs and NSs. We detail this definition in general and review some essential properties of metric bundles as seen in different frames and exact solutions.

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D. D.Pugliese and H. Quevedo
Mon, 14 Oct 19

Comments: 10 pages; 1 figure; RAGtime 20, 2018