What is transiting HD 139139 ? [EPA]


The NASA mission Kepler has detected 28 transits with depths and durations hours in the light curve of HD139139 during a 87 days campaign . Their arrival times are erratic. Rappaport et al. (2019) discard ten explanations. It is not clear if the transits are for HD 139139 or for a star B at 3.3 arcsec. New radial velocity variation data give RV for HD139139 in 4 days (F. Bouchy and S. Udry, private communication) excluding a close-in planet orbiting HD 139139, as proposed earlier (Schneider 2019). (However, this explanation is still valid for the star B for which radial velocity data are very poor). Here I thus explore new tentative explanations and their likelihood: 1/ An eccentric transiters belt around HD 139139 2/ Interstellar transiters 3/ Solar System objects.

Read this paper on arXiv…

J. Schneider
Tue, 8 Oct 19

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