Constraints on terrestrial planet formation timescales and equilibration processes in the Grand Tack scenario from Hf-W isotopic evolution [EPA]

We examine 141 N-body simulations of terrestrial planet late-stage accretion that use the Grand Tack scenario, coupling the collisional results with a hafnium-tungsten (Hf-W) isotopic evolution model. Accretion in the Grand Tack scenario results in faster planet formation than classical accretion models because of higher planetesimal surface density induced by a migrating Jupiter. Planetary embryos that grow rapidly experience radiogenic ingrowth of mantle $^{182}$W that is inconsistent with the measured terrestrial composition, unless much of the tungsten is removed by an impactor core that mixes thoroughly with the target mantle. For physically Earth-like surviving planets, we find that the fraction of equilibrating impactor core $k_\text{core} \geq 0.6$ is required to produce results agreeing with observed terrestrial tungsten anomalies (assuming equilibration with relatively large volumes of target mantle material; smaller equilibrating mantle volumes would require even larger $k_\text{core}$). This requirement of substantial core re-equilibration may be difficult to reconcile with fluid dynamical predictions and hydrocode simulations of mixing during large impacts, and hence this result does not favor the rapid planet building that results from Grand Tack accretion.

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N. Zube, F. Nimmo, R. Fischer, et. al.
Thu, 3 Oct 19

Comments: 34 pages, 5 figures, published in EPSL