Determination of properties of protoneutron stars toward black hole formation via gravitational wave observations [HEAP]

We examine the frequencies of the fundamental ($f$-) and the gravity ($g_i$-) mode in gravitational waves from accreting protoneutron stars (PNSs) toward black hole formation. For this purpose, we analyze numerical results of gravitational collapse of massive stars for two different progenitors with three equations of state. We adopt profiles of central objects obtained from the numerical simulations by solving general relativistic neutrino-radiation hydrodynamics under the spherical symmetry. Using a series of snapshots as a static configuration at each time step, we solve the eigenvalue problem to determine the specific frequencies of gravitational waves from the evolving PNSs with accretion from core bounce to black hole formation by the relativistic Cowling approximation. We find that the frequency of the $f$-mode gravitational waves can be expressed as a function of the average density of the PNS at each time step almost independently of the progenitor models in accord with the previous studies on ordinary PNSs. We also find that the ratio of the $g_1$-mode frequency to the $f$-mode frequency is insensitive to the progenitor, but strongly depends on the compactness of the PNSs. Having a simultaneous observation of the $f$- and $g_1$-mode gravitational waves, it would provide the information of the average density and compactness of PNS, which can reconstruct the evolution of mass and radius of the PNSs as a constraint on the equation of state at high densities. Furthermore, we show that the highest average density of the PNS with the maximum mass can be estimated with the detection of the $f$-mode gravitational waves together with the help of the neutrino observations.

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H. Sotani and K. Sumiyoshi
Fri, 27 Sep 19

Comments: accepted for publication in PRD