A Song of Shocks and Dynamo: Numerical Studies of a Galaxy Cluster Merger in the HIMAG Project [CEA]


With ENZO simulations run on the J\”ulich supercomputers, we have investigated the evolution of magnetic fields in the largest cosmic structures (namely galaxy clusters and filaments connecting them) with unprecedented dynamical range. These simulations revealed the full development of the small-scale dynamo in Eulerian cosmological magneto-hydrodynamical simulations. The turbulent motions developed during the formation of clusters are energetic enough to foster the growth of magnetic fields by several orders of magnitude, starting from weak magnetic fields up strengths of $\sim \rm \mu G$ as observed. Furthermore, shock waves are launched during cluster formation and they are able to accelerate cosmic-ray electrons, that emit in the radio wavelengths. Radio observations of this emission provide information on the local magnetic field strength. We have incorporated, for the first time, the cooling of cosmic-ray electrons when modelling this emission. In this contribution, we present our advances in modelling these physical processes. Here, we mostly focus on the most interesting object in our sample of galaxy clusters, which shows the complexity of magnetic fields and the potential of existing and future multi-wavelengths observations in the study of the weakly collisional plasma on $\sim$ Megaparsecs scales.

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D. Wittor, P. Domínguez-Fernández, F. Vazza, et. al.
Wed, 25 Sep 19

Comments: Invited contribution to the NIC proceedings 2020 for the John von Neumann-Institut f\”ur Computing (NIC) Symposium 2020