The NASA Probe space mission concept, Cosmic Evolution Through UV Surveys (CETUS) [GA]

The mission concept, Cosmic Origins Through UV Surveys (CETUS) is an all-UV space mission concept that was selected and funded by NASA for study in 2017. The main capabilities of CETUS that even Hubble doesn’t have are: (1) wide-field (17.4’x17.4′) imaging and spectroscopy of astronomical sources with <0.5” resolution; (2) spectral sensitivity to UV radiation at wavelengths as short as 1000 {\AA}; (3) near-UV multi-object slit spectroscopy; and (4) rapid-response UV spectroscopy and deep imaging of transients like GW 170817; and (5) 23 times higher sensitivity to extended sources.
The main purposes of this CETUS Final Report are to describe the CETUS scientific program and to demonstrate the maturity of its instrumentation, which forms the basis of its estimated cost. While there are similarities of this Final Report to that submitted to NASA in March 2019 by the Goddard Space Flight Center, there are important differences including the following. * Science. The science case has been refreshed, deepened, and expanded as a result of ideas and recommendations expressed in the Astro2020 science white papers. * Instrumentation. Detailed investigations including a high-level error budget for focus with implications for thermal management, target acquisition in the MOS micro-shutter array, contamination control have been carried out. * Mission Design. The spacecraft and mission operations concepts as developed by NGIS Gilbert (formerly Orbital ATK) rather than the output of Goddard’s Mission Design Lab have been adopted.. * Technology. Technology maturation plans have been updated.

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S. Heap, J. Arenberg, T. Hull, et. al.
Tue, 24 Sep 19

Comments: 50 pages + references, acronyms, resumes