Results from an extended Falcon all-sky survey for continuous gravitational waves [CL]

We present the results of an all-sky search for continuous gravitational wave signals with frequencies in the 200-600 Hz range and frequency derivative (spindown) from -1e-8 through 1.11e-9 Hz/s. Together with the results from [1], this search completes the all-sky survey for frequencies between 20 to 600 Hz on O1 data. It also demonstrates the scalability of our search on a parameter space 26 times larger than previously considered. The results presented here complement the LIGO O2 data results [2,3] with comparable when not better sensitivity and do not rely on data with irregularities in the noise-subtraction procedure. We establish strict upper limits which hold for worst-case signal parameters and dedicated upper limits for generic ~0 spindown signals, such as those expected from boson condensates around black holes.

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V. Dergachev and M. Papa
Mon, 23 Sep 19

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