Role of vector channel in different classes of (non) magnetized neutron stars [HEAP]

We study how the magnetic field and non-standard vector channels affect hadronic, quarkionic and hybrid stars. In the hadronic phase, we use the QHD model, within its standard $\sigma\omega\rho$ mesons, and compare the results with the ones obtained with the inclusion of the strangeness hidden $\phi$ meson. In the quark phase, we use the standard SU(3) NJL and compare the results with the version that takes into account the vector channel $G_v(\bar{\psi}\gamma^\mu\psi)$. Magnetic fields are taken into account via chaotic magnetic field approximation.

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L. Lopes and D. Menezes
Fri, 13 Sep 19

Comments: 15 pages, 9 Fig