The LOFAR Two-metre Sky Survey (LoTSS) will map the complete Northern sky and provide an excellent opportunity to study the distribution and evolution of the large-scale structure of the Universe. We study the completeness of the LoTSS first data release (DR1) and find a point-source completeness of 99 % above flux densities of 0.8 mJy and define a suite of quality cuts. We determine the count-in-cell statistics and differential source counts statistic and measure the angular two-point correlation function of the LoTSS radio sources. The counts-in-cell statistic reveals that the distribution of radio sources cannot be described by a spatial Poisson process. Instead, a good fit is provided by a compound Poisson distribution. The differential source counts are in good agreement with previous findings in deep fields at low radio frequencies. Simulated catalogues from the SKA design study sky match with our findings, in contrast to the more recent T-RECS models. For angular separations between 0.1 deg and 1 deg we find self-consistency amongst different estimates of the angular two-point correlation. The angular two-point correlation is $<10^{-2}$ at angular scales $> 1$ deg and up to the largest scales probed. We see indications of unidentified systematic issues at angular scales $>1$ deg, likely due to data calibration issues. Based on the distribution of photometric redshifts of LoTSS sources and the Planck 2018 best-fit cosmological model, the theoretically predicted angular two-point correlation between 0.1 deg and 1 deg agrees with the measured clustering for a subsample of radio sources with redshift information. We find agreement with the expectation of large-scale statistical isotropy of the radio sky at the per cent level and below angular separations of 1 deg the angular two-point correlation agrees with the expectation of the cosmological standard model. (abbreviated)
T. Siewert, C. Hale, N. Bhardwaj, et. al.
Wed, 28 Aug 19
Comments: 28 pages, 35 figures
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