Machine-assisted Semi-Simulation Model (MSSM): Estimating Galactic Baryonic Properties from their Dark Matter using a Machine Trained on Hydrodynamic Simulations [GA]

We present a pipeline to estimate baryonic properties of a galaxy inside a dark matter (DM) halo in DM-only simulations using a machine trained on high-resolution hydrodynamic simulations. As an example, we use the IllustrisTNG hydrodynamic simulation of a $(75 \,\,h^{-1}{\rm Mpc})^3$ volume to train our machine to predict e.g., stellar mass and star formation rate in a galaxy-sized halo based purely on its DM content. An extremely randomized tree (ERT) algorithm is used together with multiple novel improvements we introduce here such as a refined error function in machine training and two-stage learning. Aided by these improvements, our model demonstrates a significantly increased accuracy in predicting baryonic properties compared to prior attempts — in other words, the machine better mimics IllustrisTNG’s galaxy-halo correlation. By applying our machine to the MultiDark-Planck DM-only simulation of a large $(1 \,\,h^{-1}{\rm Gpc})^3$ volume, we then validate the pipeline that rapidly generates a galaxy catalogue from a DM halo catalogue using the correlations the machine found in IllustrisTNG. We also compare our galaxy catalogue with the ones produced by popular semi-analytic models (SAMs). Our so-called machine-assisted semi-simulation model (MSSM) is shown to be largely compatible with SAMs, and may become a promising method to transplant the baryon physics of galaxy-scale hydrodynamic calculations onto a larger-volume DM-only run. We discuss the benefits that machine-based approaches like this entail, as well as suggestions to raise the scientific potential of such approaches.

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Y. Jo and J. Kim
Wed, 28 Aug 19

Comments: 17 pages, 10 figures, 2 tables, Accepted for publication in MNRAS, Homepage: this http URL