Studying Cosmic-ray Interactions in Giant Molecular Clouds with the HAWC Gamma-ray Observatory [HEAP]

The cosmic-ray flux in the Galaxy can be characterized by combining the knowledge of the distribution of gas in the Galaxy and the observation of gamma rays. We analyze the data from the HAWC Observatory to look for gamma rays in three galactic giant molecular clouds, that are outside the galactic plane ($|b|>5^{\circ}$). We can then test the paradigm that the measured local cosmic-ray flux is the same as the “sea” of Galactic cosmic rays. Due to its large field of view, and high duty cycle, HAWC is suitable to search for gamma rays from large structures in the TeV gamma-ray regime. We present here preliminary results from measurements of the Aquila Rift, Hercules and Taurus molecular clouds.

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H. Solares
Mon, 19 Aug 19

Comments: Presented at the 36th International Cosmic Ray Conference (ICRC 2019)