Nulling at short wavelengths: theoretical performance constraints and a demonstration of faint companion detection inside the diffraction limit with a rotating-baseline interferometer [IMA]

The Palomar Fiber Nuller (PFN) is a rotating-baseline nulling interferometer that enables high-accuracy near-infrared (NIR) nulling observations with full azimuth coverage. To achieve NIR null-depth accuracies of several x 10-4, the PFN uses a common-mode optical system to provide a high degree of symmetry, single-mode-fiber beam combination to reduce sensitivity to pointing and wavefront errors, extreme adaptive optics to stabilize the fiber coupling and the cross-aperture fringe phase, rapid signal calibration and camera readout to minimize temporal effects, and a statistical null-depth fluctuation analysis to relax the phase stabilization requirement. Here we describe the PFN final design and performance, and provide a demonstration of faint-companion detection by means of nulling-baseline rotation, as originally envisioned for space-based nulling interferometry. Specifically, the Ks-band null-depth rotation curve measured on the spectroscopic binary eta Peg reflects both a secondary star 1.08 +/- 0.06 x 10-2 as bright as the primary, and a null-depth contribution of 4.8 +/- 1.6 x 10-4 due to the size of the primary star. With a 30 mas separation at the time, eta Peg B was well inside both the telescope diffraction-limited beam diameter (88 mas) and typical coronagraphic inner working angles. Finally, we discuss potential improvements that can enable a number of small-angle nulling observations on larger telescopes.

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E. Serabyn, B. Mennesson, S. Martin, et. al.
Mon, 19 Aug 19

Comments: 26 pages, 4 figures, accepted for publication in MNRAS