Cosmological Inference using Gravitational Wave Standard Sirens: A Mock Data Challenge [CL]

The detection of gravitational waves from the binary neutron star merger GW170817 alongside its optical counterparts, marked the beginning of gravitational wave cosmology as it allowed for the first constraint onthe Hubble constant $H_0$ using gravitational wave standard sirens. In the upcoming observing run(s) of the Advanced LIGO and Virgo detector network, we expect to detect up to two binary black holes per week and up to one binary neutron star merger per week. It is conceivable that the majority of binary neutron star events will be detected without an optical counterpart, and as such, focus has been on preparing a statistical analysis, in which the distance estimates from binary neutron stars are combined with the redshift data from galaxy catalogs in order to estimate Hubble constant. Thus, we have developed a Bayesian formalism that measures the Hubble constant from gravitational wave events both statistically and with electromagnetic counterparts. To test the formalism on its ability to correctly take into account both gravitational wave and electromagnetic selection effects, a series of mock data challenges were created and analyzed. In this paper, we discuss the assumptions that went into creating the mock data challenges, the method to approach the problem, and the results produced. We show how the incompleteness of galaxy catalogs has an effect on the final measurement of $H_0$ as well as the effects of weighting each galaxy according to its luminosity.

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R. Gray, I. Hernandez, H. Qi, et. al.
Mon, 19 Aug 19

Comments: 19 pages, 8 figures