We present a concept of the X-ray imaging system with high angular-resolution and moderate sensitivity. In this concept, a two-dimensional detector, i.e., imager, is put at a slightly out-of-focused position of the focusing mirror, rather than just at the mirror focus as in the standard optics, to capture the miniature image of objects. In addition, a set of multi-grid masks (or a modulation collimator) is installed in front of the telescope. We find that the masks work as a coded aperture camera and that they boost the angular resolution of the focusing optics. The major advantage of this concept is that a much better angular resolution an order of 2–3 or more than in the conventional optics is achievable, while a high throughput (large effective area) is maintained, which is crucial in photon-limited high-energy astronomy, because any type of mirrors, including light-weight reflective mirrors, can be employed in our concept. If the signal-to-noise ratio is sufficiently high, we estimate that angular resolutions at the diffraction limit of 4″ and 0″4 at about 7 keV can be achieved with a pair of masks at separations of 1~m and 100~m, respectively, at the diffraction limit.
Y. Maeda, R. Iizuka, T. Hayashi, et. al.
Fri, 2 Aug 19
Comments: Accepted for PASJ
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