A second galaxy “missing dark matter” (NGC1052-DF4) has been recently reported. Here we show, using the location of the Tip of the Red Giant Branch (TRGB), that the distance to this galaxy is 14.2+-0.7 Mpc. This locates the galaxy 6 Mpc closer than previously determined. We also analyse the distances to the brightest galaxies in the field-of-view (FOV) of NGC1052. We find this field is populated by two groups of galaxies in projection: one dominated by NGC1052 and NGC1047 at ~19 Mpc and another group containing NGC1042 and NGC1035 (as well as [KKS2000]04 and NGC1052-DF4) at ~13.5 Mpc. At a distance of 13.5 Mpc the globular clusters of NGC1052-DF4 have the same properties than globular clusters in the Milky Way and other dwarf galaxies.
M. Monelli and I. Trujillo
Wed, 10 Jul 19
Comments: ApJ Letters in press
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