The polarized signal from broad emmission lines in AGN [GA]

Using the STOKES Monte Carlo radiative transfer code we revisit the predictions on the spectropolarimetric signal from a disc-like Broad Emission Line (BLR) in Type I AGN due to the presence of an equatorial scattering region, as first studied by Smith et al. (2002, 2004, 2005). We find that we reproduce the findings of Smith et al., but only for a scatterer which is much more optically and geometrically thick than previously proposed. We also find that when taking into account the polarized emission from all regions of the scatterer, the swing of the Polarizarion Angle (PA) results to be in the opposite direction to that originally proposed. Furthermore, we find that the presence of outflows in the scattering media can greatly change the observed line profiles, with the PA of the scattering signal being enhanced in the presence of radially outflowing winds. Finally, we find that a characteristically different PA profile, and `M’ profile, is obtained when the scatterer is cospatial with the BLR and radially outflowing.

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P. Lira, R. Goosmann, M. Kishimoto, et. al.
Fri, 21 Jun 19

Comments: Accepted by MNRAS