Renewal of Transient Spiral Modes in Disk Galaxies [GA]

Spiral structure in disk galaxies could arise from transient modes that create conditions conducive for their regeneration; this is the proposal of Sellwood and Carlberg, based on simulations of stellar disks. The linear response of an axisymmetric stellar disk, to an adiabatic non-axisymmetric transient mode, gives a final distribution function (DF) that is equal to the initial DF everywhere in phase space, except at the Lindblad and corotation resonances where the final DF is singular. We use the nonlinear theory of adiabatic capture into resonance to resolve the singularities and calculate the finite changes in the DF. These take the form of axisymmetric “scars” concentrated around resonances, whose DFs have simple general forms. Global changes in the physical properties are explored for a cool Mestel disk: we calculate the DFs of scars, and estimate the changes in the disk angular momentum, surface density and orbital frequencies leading to shifts of resonances. Scars inhibit angular momentum exchanges between disk stars and any new linear non-axisymmetric mode with the same angular wavenumber and pattern speed as its precursor. Epicyclic heating is also suppressed for such a linear mode, so its renewal is preferentially promoted over linear modes with different wavenumbers and pattern speeds. Relic scars sustained by a galaxy disk, due to past tidal interaction with a passing companion, may still be active enablers of non-axisymmetric modes, such as the two-armed “grand design” spiral patterns.

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S. Sridhar
Fri, 21 Jun 19

Comments: 27 pages, 7 figures