Enhanced tensor non-Gaussianiaties in presence of a source [CEA]


We address the possibility of having an enhanced signal for tensor non-Gaussianities in presence of a source, as a signature of Primordial Gravitational Waves. We employ a nearly model-independent framework based on Effective Field Theory of inflation and compute tensor non-Gaussianities therefrom sourced by particle production during (p)reheating to arrive at an enhanced signal strength. We obtain the model-independent non-linearity parameters and compare the results with the latest Planck data to find out the possible constraints on the parameters. We also find that squeezed limit bispectra are more enhanced and do a primary analysis of the prospects of detection in upcoming CMB missions.

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A. Naskar and S. Pal
Fri, 21 Jun 19

Comments: 8 pages, 2 figures