Cosmic Conundra Explained by Thermal History and Primordial Black Holes [CEA]

A universal mechanism may be responsible for several unresolved cosmic conundra. The sudden drop in the pressure of relativistic matter at $W^{\pm} / Z^{0}$ decoupling, the quark-hadron transition and $e^{+}e^{-}$ annihilation enhances the probability of primordial black hole (PBH) formation in the early Universe. Assuming the amplitude of the primordial curvature fluctuations is approximately scale-invariant, this implies a multi-modal PBH mass spectrum with peaks at $10^{-6}$, $1$, $30$, and $10^{6}\,M_{\odot}$. This suggests a unified PBH scenario which naturally explains the dark matter and recent microlensing observations, the LIGO/Virgo black hole mergers, the correlations in the cosmic infrared and X-ray backgrounds, and the origin of the supermassive black holes in galactic nuclei at high redshift. A distinct prediction of our model is that LIGO/Virgo should soon observe the merging of black holes with masses between $2$ and $5\,M_{\odot}$ or above $70\,M_{\odot}$ and with low mass ratios.

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B. Carr, S. Clesse, J. Garcia-Bellido, et. al.
Thu, 20 Jun 19

Comments: 7 pages, 4 figures