The Ophiuchus stream progenitor: a new type of globular cluster and its possible Sagittarius connection [GA]

The Ophiuchus stream is a short arc-like stellar feature of uncertain origin located $\sim 5$ kpc North of the Galactic centre. New proper motions from the second $Gaia$ data release reconcile the direction of motion of stream members with the stream arc, resolving a puzzling mismatch reported in earlier work. We use N-body simulations to show that the stream is likely only on its second pericentric passage, and thus was formed recently. The simulations suggest that the entire disrupted progenitor is visible in the observed stream today, and that little further tidal debris lies beyond the ends of the stream. The luminosity, length, width, and velocity dispersion of the stream suggest a globular cluster (GC) progenitor substantially fainter and of lower surface brightness than estimated in previous work, and unlike any other known globulars in the Galaxy. This result suggests the existence of clusters that would extend the known GC population to fainter and more weakly bound systems than hitherto known. How such a weakly-bound cluster of old stars survived until it was disrupted so recently, however, remains a mystery. Integrating backwards in time, we find that the orbits of Sagittarius and Ophiuchus passed within $\sim 5$ kpc of each other about $\sim 100$ Myrs ago, an interaction that might help resolve this puzzle.

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J. Lane, J. Navarro, A. Fattahi, et. al.
Fri, 31 May 19

Comments: 11 pages, 7 figures, submitted to MNRAS