Galactic r-process abundance feature shaped by radial migration [GA]

Growing interests in the chemical feature of r-process elements among nearby disk stars represented by the [Eu/Fe] vs. [Fe/H] diagram have sprouted since it can assess the origin of r-process elements through the comparison with theoretical models, including a test as to if neutron star mergers can be the major site of r-process nucleosynthesis. On the other hand, recent studies reveal that local chemistry is strongly coupled with the dynamics of Galactic disk, which predicts that stars radially move on the disk where the observed elemental feature is different at various Galactocentric distances. Here, we show that radial migration of stars across the Galactic disk plays a crucial role in shaping the r-process abundance feature in the solar vicinity. In this proposed scenario, we highlight the importance of migration from the outer disk where [r-process/Fe] of some old stars is predicted to be enhanced to the level beyond the expectation from the observed Galactic Fe and Eu radial gradient, which results in a large span of [r-process/Fe] among nearby disk stars. The variation in the [r-process/Fe] ratio seen across the Galactic disk as well as in dwarf galaxies may be an outcome of different stellar initial mass functions which change the occurrence frequency between supernovae leaving behind neutron stars and ones ending with black holes. Here we propose that enhancement in [Eu/Fe] is attributed to the initial mass function lacking high-mass stars such as > 25 solar masses in the scheme for which neutron star mergers are a major source of r-process elements.

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T. Tsujimoto and J. Baba
Wed, 22 May 19

Comments: 11 pages including 6 figures, accepted for publication in ApJ