Cosmological test using the high-redshift detection rate of FSRQs with the Square Kilometer Array [HEAP]

We present a phenomenological method for predicting the number of Flat Spectrum Radio Quasars (FSRQs) that should be detected by upcoming Square Kilometer Array (SKA) SKA1-MID Wide Band 1 and Medium-Deep band 2 surveys. We use the Fermi Blazar Sequence and mass estimates of Fermi FSRQs, and gamma-ray emitting Narrow Line Seyfert 1 galaxies, to model the radio emission of FSRQs as a function of mass alone, assuming a near-Eddington accretion rate, which is suggested by current quasar surveys at z > 6. This is used to determine the smallest visible black hole mass as a function of redshift in two competing cosmologies we compare in this paper: the standard LCDM model and the R_h=ct universe. We then apply lockstep growth to the observed black-hole mass function at $z=6$ in order to devolve that population to higher redshifts and determine the number of FSRQs detectable by the SKA surveys as a function of z. We find that at the redshifts for which this method is most valid, LCDM predicts ~30 times more FSRQs than R_h=ct for the Wide survey, and ~100 times more in the Medium-Deep survey. These stark differences will allow the SKA surveys to strongly differentiate between these two models, possibly rejecting one in comparison with the other at a high level of confidence.

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K. Leaf and F. Melia
Tue, 21 May 19

Comments: 8 pages, 5 figures, 3 tables. Accepted for publication in MNRAS