Separating extended disc features from the protoplanet in PDS 70 using VLT/SINFONI [EPA]

Transition discs are prime targets to look for protoplanets and study planet-disc interactions. We present VLT/SINFONI observations of PDS~70, a transition disc with a recently claimed embedded protoplanet. We take advantage of the angular and spectral diversity present in our data for an optimal PSF modeling and subtraction using principal component analysis (PCA). We report the redetection of PDS 70 b, both the front and far side of the outer disc edge, and the detection of several extended features in the annular gap. We compare spectral differential imaging applied before (PCA-SADI), and after (PCA-ASDI) angular differential imaging. Our tests suggest that PCA-SADI better recovers extended features, while PCA-ASDI is more sensitive to point sources. We adapted the negative fake companion (NEGFC) technique to infer the astrometry of the companion, and derived $r = 193.5 \pm 4.9 \mathrm{mas}$ and PA = 158.7deg $\pm$ 3.0deg. We used both NEGFC and ANDROMEDA to infer the $K$-band spectro-photometry of the protoplanet, and found results consistent with recent VLT/SPHERE observations, except for their 2018/02 epoch measurement in the $K2$ filter. Finally, we derived an upper limit of $\dot{M_b} < 1.26 \times 10^{-7} \big[ \frac{5 M_{\rm Jup}}{M_b} \big] \big[ \frac{R_b}{R_{\rm Jup}}\big] M_{\rm Jup} $ yr$^{-1}$ for the accretion rate of the companion based on an adaptation of PCA-SADI/PCA-ASDI around the Br$\gamma$ line.

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V. Christiaens, S. Casassus, O. Absil, et. al.
Tue, 7 May 19

Comments: 20 pages, 12 figures. This is a pre-copyedited, author-produced PDF of an article accepted for publication in MNRAS on 2019 April 29