Equatorial anti-rotating day side wind flow in WASP-43b elicited by deep wind jets? [EPA]


We present WASP-43b climate simulations with deep wind jets (reaching at least 700~bar) that are linked to anti-rotating (westward) flow at the equatorial day side for $p<0.1$~bar. Anti-rotation inhibits efficient eastward heat transport and naturally explains the small hotspot shift and cold night side of WASP-43b ($P_{\text{orb}}=P_{\text{rot}}=0.8135$~days) observed with Spitzer. We find that deep wind jets are mainly associated with very fast rotations ($P_{\text{rot}}=P_{\text{orb}}\leq 1.5$~days). Further, we show that we can achieve full steady state — from top to bottom — in our climate simulations for WASP-43b by imposing a deep forcing regime for $p>10$~bar: a smaller convergence time scale $\tau_{conv}=10^6-10^8$~s to ensure the convergence to a common adiabat, a deep lower boundary of $p=700$~bar, as well as linear drag at depth ($p\geq 200$~bar), which mimics to first order magnetic drag. Lower boundary stability and the deep forcing assumptions were also tested with climate simulations for HD~209458b ($P_{\text{orb}}=P_{\text{rot}}=3.5$~days). HD~209458b simulations with deep forcing assumptions imposed show shallow wind jets (never extending deeper than 100~bar into the interior) and full superrotation. If we impose a very fast rotation ($P_{\text{orb}}=P_{\text{rot}}=0.8135$~days), also the HD~209458b-like simulation shows equatorial anti-rotation at the day side. We conclude that the placement of the lower boundary at $p=200$~bar is justified for slow rotators like HD~209458b, but it has to be placed deeper for fast-rotating hot Jupiters ($P_{\text{orb}}\leq 1.5$~days) like WASP-43b. Our study highlights that the deep atmosphere and lower boundary conditions may have a strong influence on the observable atmospheric flow in hot Jupiters.

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L. Carone, P. Mollière, P. Barth, et. al.
Wed, 1 May 19

Comments: Initially submitted to Nature Astronomy, reviewed, rejected and now resubmitted to MNRAS (27 pages with Appendix, 7 figures in main document)