Viewing angle constraint of LIGO/Virgo binary neutron star merger candidates with Fermi-GBM non-detection limits [HEAP]

The LIGO and Virgo scientific collaboration (LVC) alerted two binary neutron star (BNS) merger candidates, S190425z and S190426c. Fermi-GBM observed 55.6\% (for S190425z) and 100\% (for S190426c) of the probability regions of both events at the respective merger times, but no gamma-ray burst (GRB) was detected in either case. The derived luminosity upper limits suggest that a short GRB similar to GRB 170817A would not be detectable for both cases due to their larger distances than GW170817. Assuming that the jet profile obtained from the GW170817/GRB 170817A is quasi-universal for all BNS-GRB associations, we derive that the viewing angles of S190425z and S190426c should be $> (0.11-0.41)$ and $> (0.09-0.39)$, respectively.

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H. Song, S. Ai, M. Wang, et. al.
Tue, 30 Apr 19

Comments: Submission to ArXiv for now