NLTE 1.5D Modeling of Red Giant Stars [SSA]

Spectra for 2D stars in the 1.5D approximation are created from synthetic spectra of 1D non-local thermodynamic equilibrium (NLTE) spherical model atmospheres produced by the PHOENIX code. The 1.5D stars have the spatially averaged Rayleigh-Jeans flux of a K3-4 III star, while varying the temperature difference between the two 1D component models ($\Delta T_{\mathrm{1.5D}}$), and the relative surface area covered. Synthetic observable quantities from the 1.5D stars are fitted with quantities from NLTE and local thermodynamic equilibrium (LTE) 1D models to assess the errors in inferred $T_{\mathrm{eff}}$ values from assuming horizontal homogeneity and LTE. Five different quantities are fit to determine the $T_{\mathrm{eff}}$ of the 1.5D stars: UBVRI photometric colors, absolute surface flux SEDs, relative SEDs, continuum normalized spectra, and TiO band profiles. In all cases except the TiO band profiles, the inferred $T_{\mathrm{eff}}$ value increases with increasing $\Delta T_{\mathrm{1.5D}}$. In all cases, the inferred $T_{\mathrm{eff}}$ value from fitting 1D LTE quantities is higher than from fitting 1D NLTE quantities and is approximately constant as a function of $\Delta T_{\mathrm{1.5D}}$ within each case. The difference between LTE and NLTE for the TiO bands is caused indirectly by the NLTE temperature structure of the upper atmosphere, as the bands are computed in LTE. We conclude that the difference between $T_{\mathrm{eff}}$ values derived from NLTE and LTE modelling is relatively insensitive to the degree of the horizontal inhomogeneity of the star being modeled, and largely depends on the observable quantity being fit.

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M. Young and C. Short
Tue, 29 Apr 14