Bhasvati of Satananda: In the Pages of Mystery [CL]

Satanandacharya the astronomer and mathematician of 11th century was born in 1068 C.E. at Purusottamdham Puri of Odisha wrote the scripture Bhasvati in 1099 C.E.. The scripture has significant contribution to world of Astronomy and Mathematics. Satananda has adopted centisimal system for the calculation of position and motion of heavenly bodies, which is similar to present day decimal system. The treaties got the recognition of a scripture of Karana grantha. Commentaries of this work has been made by defferent persons during different time of history. Though it is found to be remade in almost once in each century and was well known all over India and abroad. Presently it is completely lost and no reference is available in ongoing works. The main aim of this paper is to outline and bring to the notice of a wider audience — the genius of Satananda and his contribution to the world of astronomy and Mathematics.

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D. Panda
Tue, 9 Apr 19

Comments: 17 pages, 1 figure