The physics and astrophysics of X-ray outflows from Active Galactic Nuclei [GA]

The highly energetic outflows from Active Galactic Nuclei detected in X-rays are one of the most powerful mechanisms by which the central supermassive black hole (SMBH) interacts with the host galaxy. The last two decades of high resolution X-ray spectroscopy with XMM and Chandra have improved our understanding of the nature of these outflowing ionized absorbers and we are now poised to take the next giant leap with higher spectral resolution and higher throughput observatories to understand the physics and impact of these outflows on the host galaxy gas. The future studies on X-ray outflows not only have the potential to unravel some of the currently outstanding puzzles in astronomy, such as the physical basis behind the MBH$-\sigma$ relation, the cooling flow problem in intra-cluster medium (ICM), and the evolution of the quasar luminosity function across cosmic timescales, but also provide rare insights into the dynamics and nature of matter in the immediate vicinity of the SMBH. Higher spectral resolution ($\le 0.5$ eV at $1$ keV) observations will be required to identify individual absorption lines and study the asymmetries and shifts in the line profiles revealing important information about outflow structures and their impact. Higher effective area ($\ge 1000 \rm \,cm^{2}$) will be required to study the outflows in distant quasars, particularly at the quasar peak era (redshift $1\le z\le 3$) when the AGN population was the brightest. Thus, it is imperative that we develop next generation X-ray telescopes with high spectral resolution and high throughput for unveiling the properties and impact of highly energetic X-ray outflows. A simultaneous high resolution UV + X-ray mission will encompass the crucial AGN ionizing continuum, and also characterize the simultaneous detections of UV and X-ray outflows, which map different spatial scales along the line of sight.

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S. Laha, R. Smith, P. Tzanavaris, et. al.
Tue, 19 Mar 19

Comments: A Science White Paper submitted to the Astro2020 Decadal Survey