Powerful AGN jets and unbalanced cooling in the hot atmosphere of IC 4296 [GA]


We present new Karl G. Jansky Very Large Array (VLA, 1-2 GHz) radio data of the giant elliptical galaxy IC 4296, supported by archival radio, X-ray (Chandra, XMM-Newton) and optical (SOAR, HST) observations. The galaxy hosts powerful radio jets piercing through the inner hot X-ray emitting atmosphere, depositing most of the energy into the ambient intra-cluster medium (ICM). Whereas the radio surface brightness of the A configuration image is consistent with a Fanaroff-Riley Class I (FR I) system, the D configuration image reveals two large (diameter ~160 kpc), well-defined lobes (one of which is associated with an X-ray cavity) at a projected distance r~230 kpc. The total enthalpy of the radio lobes is $\sim7\times10^{59}\,\rm{erg}$ and the mechanical power output of the jets is $\sim 10^{44}\,\rm{erg\,s}^{-1}$. The jets are mildly curved, possibly re-brightened by the relative motion of the galaxy and the ICM, and terminate with sharp edges, suggesting the presence of bow shocks, which would classify this as a transitional state of a supersonic FR I radio source. The central entropy and cooling time of the X-ray gas are unusually low, the cooling rate is consistent with $\dot{M}\sim5~M_{\odot}$ yr$^{-1}$, and the nucleus hosts a warm H$\alpha$+[NII] nebula and a cold molecular CO disk. Because most of the energy of the jets is deposited far from the nucleus, the atmosphere of the galaxy continues to cool, apparently feeding the central supermassive black hole and powering the jet activity.

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R. Grossova, N. Werner, K. Rajpurohit, et. al.
Mon, 11 Mar 19

Comments: submitted to MNRAS