The detection of cosmogenic neutrinos offers the potential to reveal the sources of ultra-high energy cosmic rays. Cosmogenic neutrinos are expected to be produced via the GZK effect during the propagation of cosmic rays or by the interaction of cosmic rays with surrounding media directly at the source. In particular, a coincident detection of neutrinos and recently discovered gravitational waves signals from neutron star mergers offers a unique opportunity to directly probe a cosmic-ray source. The ARIANNA detector aims to detect neutrinos with energies above \SI{e16}{eV} with a surface array of a thousand independent radio detector stations in Antarctica. Radio signals are produced via the Askaryan effect from particle cascades generated in the ice by interactions of these neutrinos. The Antarctic ice is transparent to MHz – GHz radio signals which allows for a cost-effective instrumentation of large volumes. A pilot array of 10 stations is currently operating successfully at the Moore’s Bay site (Ross Ice Shelf) in Antarctica. In addition, one station was installed at the South Pole to test the suitability of this site. We will present techniques to identify Askaryan signals and to reconstruct neutrino properties from our radio measurements which we probe experimentally by the detection of the more abundant cosmic-ray air showers.
A. Anker, S. Barwick, H. Bernhoff, et. al.
Wed, 6 Mar 19
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