Charged spherically symmetric black holes in $f(R)$ gravity [CL]

A new class of analytic charged spherically symmetric black hole solutions, which behave asymptotically as flat or (A)dS spacetimes, is derived for specific classes of $f(R)$ gravity, i.e., $f(R)=R-2\alpha\sqrt{R}$ and $f(R)=R-2\alpha\sqrt{R-8\Lambda}$, where $\Lambda$ is the cosmological constant. These black holes are characterized by the dimensional parameter $\alpha$ that makes solutions deviate from the standard solutions of general relativity. The Kretschmann scalar and squared Ricci tensor are shown to depend on the parameter $\alpha$ which is not allowed to be zero. Thermodynamical quantities, like entropy, Hawking temperature, quasi-local energy and the Gibbs free energy are calculated. The interesting result of these calculations is the possibility of a negative black hole entropy. Furthermore, present calculations show that for negative energy, particles inside a black hole, behave as if they have a negative entropy. This fact gives rise to instability for $f_{RR}<0$.

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G. Nashed and S. Capozziello
Wed, 20 Feb 19

Comments: 13 pages, 5 figures